The Browning machine gun design was available from around 1910 but was only introduced into service in 1917. Post WW1 an air-cooled 1919 variant was developed which stayed in service in various forms until after WW2. The 1919 A4 was the most widely used WW2 variant for infantry and vehicle mountings. This example appears to be one of those rechambered by the Israeli Defence Forces for the 7.62mm NATO round and widely used in vehicle mountings.
Marks and Stamps: (L side of receiver) 7.62 Hebrew Characters (R side of receiver) No 335292 US INSP BROWNING MACHINE GUN US CAL 30 M1919A4 MANF'D BY SAGINAW STEERING GEAR DIV. GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATIONAccession Number: 274 | Period of Use: |
Type: Machine gun | War Zones: |
Country of Origin: USA | Type Date: 1919 |
Manufacturer: Saginaw Stearing Gear Division, General Motors Corporation | Serial Number: 335292 |
Manufacture Date: Unknown | Calibre/Ammunition: 7.62mm |
Weight: 14050g | Length Overall: 1041mm |
Cyclic Rate: 500rpm | Length Barrel: 610mm |
Deactivation Certificate Number: DA 42575 |