The Armoury - Waltham Abbey Royal Gunpowder Mills

Pulemyot Maksima obr 1910 (PM1910)

Pulemyot Maksima obr 1910  (PM1910)


PM1910 is the longest produced version of the Maxim, remaining in full scale production up to 1945. Reliable under the very adverse conditions of the Russian winter and summer the PM1910 was usually mounted on the wheeled Sokolov Carriage. Because of the weight (combined gun and carriage being 163 lb) it took at least 2 men to drag the weapon. This example is the earlier version without the 'Snow cap' refilling port on the water jacket. The Korj stamp is a mark of Finnish capture and refurbishment during the Winter War.

Marks and Stamps: (Top cover) Korj 1944 (L side of receiver) Cyrillic 102117 (struck through) 47


Accession Number: 204 Period of Use: 1910 - 1960s
Type: Machine gun War Zones: First World War; Russian Revolution; Spanish Civil War; Second World War; Korea
Country of Origin: U.S.S.R. Type Date: 1910
Manufacturer: State Arsenals Serial Number: 47
Manufacture Date: 1944 Calibre/Ammunition: 7.62mm
Weight: 23800g Length Overall: 1107mm
Cyclic Rate: 550rpm Length Barrel: 721mm
Deactivation Certificate Number: DA 20023

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