Subject: Edmonsey Acid and Nitroglycerine Factories
Description: Non-listed Principal Structures of the RGPM: Part 3 Development of Chemical Explosives. Section 2. 20th Century - The Edmonsey Acid and Nitroglycerine Factories by Les Tucker including references to: The Manufacturing Process -0 Early (years); Nitroglycerine Manufacture at Waltham Abbey; The Acid Factory 1902-1943; The Edmonsey Ntroglycerine Factory; E1 The Acid House; The Charge House; E2 Nitrating House No 1 - The "Grand Nitrator" incorporating the Nitrator-Separtor; E3 and E5 Nitroglycerine Washing Houses; Filtering (in Mixing House) E4 Wash Water Settling House; Mud Washig Shed; Wash Water Settling Ponds ; Communication to Industry; The Schmid Continuous Process