Version 3 - 19 March 2013
Compiled by Richard Thomas
Compiled From: WAI, WASC, WATI, WAAC, SAND, WAPP, Winters and Emails
This list is the final one with all the names found in the archives.
The list has a certain amount of basic information, to aid the initial search to find one or maybe two instances of the staff member’s name.
NOTE: All names beginning “Mc” are listed as if they were spelt “Mac”.
The Index shows one instance of the source of the name which may be from either WAI, WASC, WATI (Touchpaper), SAND (Admission to Sandhurst Hospital) and WAAC (Involvement in an accident). If there is no source shown it is WATI. Many of the WATI dates are issue dates not event dates.
Therefore if a name is listed it may be included in several different places. For a name in ordinary face type a further search is necessary in all 5 folders to track down all the available information.
The name may also appear in bold italic underlined, In this case it has been found in the various staff lists held under WASC Numbers 1837, 1842, 1888 and 1981, which may show details of location (department), seniority or even salary level. The reference in the WASC column will help to locate ONE instance of the name. The reference can be decoded as WASC No/Sub heading/Date (either as the last two digits of the year or as the month and year, in the case of WASC 1981). It is necessary to search all four of the WASC holdings to find all instances. The file is available in a digital form. Ask Ian!
There is no special significance in * or names in capital letters.
I have not included WAPP personnel in this list although there may be a minimal crossover with the early staff names.
2. WARGM Staff Index – WAPP The second section of this list contains the personnel from the WAPP database.
The PRO/Ref column indicates the Public Records Office document number or a reference from WASC or Winters.
The Ref Date column indicates the date retreived from the PRO/Ref documents.
3. Combined Winters & Email Index.