1. Richard Wright replaced William Dun as a Labourer in the Dusting House, earning 1/6d per day(Supply 5/216 dated the 31st August 1793).
2. In January 1794, he was working in the Corning House (Supply 5/216 dated January 1794)
and enlisted as a Private in the Volunteer Company on the 7th May 1794 (Supply 5/219).
3. Wright was promoted to a Millman earning 2/-d per day by the 31st August 1794, and was still there in December 1794 (Supply 5/216).
4. Millmen were paid an extra 3d per night when on duty (Supply 5/217 dated the 3rd July 1795).
5. On the 5th December 1798, Wright, together with John Smith, was involved in a Mill explosion which was caused by putting too much powder on the beds than was allowed (Winters, op.cit. p.54).