WAPP - Waltham Abbey Personnel Project

About WAPP
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1. William Webb, who had worked for Mr Walton as a Cooper, applied for work at the Mills on the 30th November 1787 (Winters' Centenary Memorial, p.28). 2. Supply 5/222 recorded that he was working as a Labourer in the "Engineers' Dept. Established" earning 1/6d per day, with "one day extra allowed per week agreeable to the Board's Order dated 12th March, 1801." 3. According to the List of Officers, Foremen, Artificers, etc. Employed dated the 23rd August 1808 (Supply 5/227) William Webb was employed as a Labourer, "setting and drawing stoves, and in Willow Plantations, etc." earning 2/-d per day. He was also allowed to watch in turn.