1. Benjamin Wall (Jnr) was employed as a Labourer in the Corning House on the 11th April 1789 at 1/6d per day (Supply 5/214 dated the 27th March 1790).
2. Robert Coleman reported on the 4th November 1793 that Ben Wall Jnr., together with Clark Davie and William Dunn, Labourers, was discharged, having been suspected of stealing iron from a farmer's gate (Winters' Centenary Memorial, p.40) and Wall was replaced in the Saltpetre House by Samuel Knowler.
3. It is possible that he may have returned to work with the Engineers' Department in 1815, since WO54/516 dated February 1816, recorded that a Benjamin Wall was employed as an occasional Labourer earning 2/8d per day, and that he was first employed as a Labourer by that department on the 16th September 1815. He was a 47-year-old bachelor living in Waltham Abbey.