1. Richard Wackett was employed as a common Labourer, and was paid 11/-d for work carried out by the Engineers' Department between the 15th and 21st July 1809 (Supply 5/228 dated the 21st July 1809).
2. WO54/516 dated February 1816 recorded that Wackett was employed as an occasional Labourer earning 2/4d per day in the Engineers' Department, and that he was first employed by the Board on the 16th May 1807 as a Labourer. He was a 55-year-old married man from Cheshunt, with 2 married and 4 unmarried children.
3. WO54/520 dated 20th February 1817, recorded that he was paid 2/4d per day. All other details remained unchanged.
4. WO54/524 dated 11th April 1818 confirmed that he was still employed as a Labourer "Occasionally as required" and was still paid 2/4d per day, but recorded that he then lived in Waltham Abbey. This was also the case in 1819 (WO54/528 dated the 19th May 1819).
5. List of Employees dated the 13th September 1820 (WO54/532) confirmed that Richard was still employed as a Labourer. He was then aged 59, was living back in Cheshunt, and had 6 children. He still earned 2/4d per day, and worked "Occasionally as the Service required."
6. WO54/536 dated the 2nd April 1821 recorded that he was 60 years' old, had 6 children and again living in Waltham Abbey. Wackett's pay, etc., remained unchanged.
7. WO54/536 dated 31st December 1821, was a repeat of the Return dated the 2nd April 1821, except he was shown as having only 5 children.
8. WO54/542 dated the 1st April 1823, recorded that he was paid 2/2d per day as a Labourer for 313 days, giving him an income of £33.18.2d for the year. He had nearly 16 years' service starting on the 16th May 1807. He was aged 61, a married man living in Waltham Abbey and had 5 children
9. WO54/550 dated the 1st April 1825, confirmed that Richard was paid 2/2d per day for 313 days as a Labourer. This gave him an annual income of £33.18.2d. His service was given as just over 17 years; he was aged 63, married and had 5 children.
10 WO54/550 dated the 1st October 1825, confirmed the previous entry and recorded that he was first employed by the Board on the 16th May 1807. WO54/554 dated the 1st April 1826 confirmed the details given in the October 1825 Return.
11 WO54/554 dated the 1st October 1826 was identical to the previous Return.
12 WO54/558 dated 1st April 1827 gave the same information as indicated previously, except that at that date Richard had nearly 20 years' service and was then aged 65.
13 WO54/558 dated the 1st October 1827 recorded the same information as given previously, except that he had now served just over 20 years.
14 Return dated the 1st April 1828 (WO54/562) gave the same basic information given previously.