WAPP - Waltham Abbey Personnel Project

About WAPP
868 / 962


1. Robert Upton was Apprenticed to the Master Carpenter on the 8th November 1806 at 6/8d per week (WO54/512 dated September 1812). 2. He was later employed as a Millwright "occasionally as the service requires" at 5/2d per day, and was a married man aged 26, living in Waltham Abbey, with three children. (WO54/528 dated the 19th May 1819). 3. List of Employees dated the 13th September 1820 ( WO54/532) confirmed that Robert was employed as a Millwright. At that date he was 27, lived in Waltham Abbey, and had 4 children. He still earned 5/2d per day, and worked "Occasionally as the Service required." 4. WO54/536 dated the 2nd April 1821 recorded that he was aged 28 and had 4 children; his Terms of Employment, etc. remained unchanged. 5. WO54/542 dated the 1st April 1823 listing those employed in the Engineers' Department, recorded that he was then paid 4/1d per day as a Carpenter for 313 days, giving him an income of £63.18.1d for the year. He appeared to have been taken on the Establishment with other Carpenters on the 8th March 1822. He had over 16 years' service, starting as an Apprentice with the Master Carpenter on the 8th November 1806. He was aged 30, living in Waltham Abbey and then had 5 children.