1. Samuel Turnham started as a general Labourer at the Mills on the 24th February 1827, with a basic income of £33.16.0d per annum. He was allowed to watch in turn, which increased his annual pay to £39.0.0d. At that date Samuel Turnham was a 30-year-old single man (WO54/558 dated the 1st October 1827)
2. Return dated the 1st April 1828 (WO54/562) recorded that Samuel, then married, had 1 child and that he had served for 1 year.
3. Return dated the 1st October 1828 (WO54/562) updated his age and length of service, with family details and pay remaining unchanged.
4. Return dated the 1st April 1829 (WO54/566) updated his age and length of service, with family details and pay remaining unchanged.
5. Return of Employees at the 1st October 1829 (WO54/566) confirmed that Samuel Turnham still earned in total £39.0.0d per annum, that his service was over 2 years, and that he was 31 years of age.
6. According to Return WO54/570 dated the 1st April 1830, all details remained the same for Samuel as in Note 5, except that his service was given as 3 years and he was then aged 32.
7. A footnote to the Return dated the 1st October 1830, recorded that Frederick Simpson had been appointed Labourer "in the room of Samuel Turnham on the 12th May 1830" - in other words, that Samuel's services were terminated on that date (WO54/570). His name no longer appeared in the records thereafter.