1. Alexander Toppin (Topin) was Drawing and Setting Stoves in January 1806 earning 2/-d per day, and at that date he had 6 months' service.
2. In June 1807, Alexander was employed as a Sieve Puncher and Proof House Man and still paid 2/-d per day (Supply 5/226 dated the 18th June 1807) and this was also the case in August 1808 (Supply 5/227 dated the 23rd August 1808).
3. Toppin was employed as a Puntman by September 1810; he was paid the same 2/-d per day, as well as being allowed to watch in turn (Supply 5/228).
4. By 1812 he had returned to the Proof House as a Proof House Man and Sieve Puncher, but was then paid 2/8d per day and allowed to watch in turn. This was also the case on the 13th February 1814, but, according to the Return of that date he was not allowed to watch (Supply 5/230).