WAPP - Waltham Abbey Personnel Project

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1. Richard Todd, Jnr. was appointed Apprentice Cooper on the 22nd July 1802 (Supply 5/227 dated the 5th August 1808). Although his pay was 1/4d per day, it was recorded in Supply 5/222 dated the 8th May 1804, "one day extra allowed for week agreeable to the Board's Order - 12th March, 1801." 2. It is assumed that Richard Jnr. was the son of the Master Cooper, Richard Todd, and he was still an Apprentice Cooper in January 1806, but then earned 1/7d per day (Supply 5/224). In January 1806, he had 4 years' service. 3. According to a further Return dated the 18th June 1807 (Supply 5/226 ) Richard Jnr. was still an Apprentice Cooper, but his pay had increased to 1/8d per day. 4. Richard, Jnr. was still an Apprentice to the Master Cooper in August 1808, when he was paid 6/8d per week. 5. In the List of Officers and Other Employees dated the 23rd August 1808 (Supply 5/227) it was confirmed that Mr. Todd was still Apprenticed to a Master Cooper, earning 1/4d per day plus "one day extra for week agreeable to the Board's Order - 12th March, 1801"; it also stated that 8/-d per week was allowed to the Master Cooper in respect of this Apprentice. 6. He was still an Apprentice to the Master Cooper at 7/-d per week on the 30th September 1808 (Supply 5/227). The same document showed that when he collected two months' pay, he signed with a well-formed hand. 8. Supply 5/199 dated the 26th July 1809, was a letter cofirming the completion of Richard's Apprenticeship with the Foreman of Coopers, and stated that he was to be employed as a Cooper at 2/6d per day. 9. He was still a Cooper in September 1810, but was not not allowed to watch (Supply 5/228). 10 A Richard Todd appeared in August 1812 employed as a Labourer "drawing and setting stoves and in the willow plantation". He was paid 2/8d per day and allowed to watch in turn (Supply 5/229 dated the 29th August 1812).