1. Richard Todd worked as an "Extra Cooper" at Purfleet from the 1st July 1779 to the 16 July 1783 (Supply 5/216 dated the 31st July 1792) and came to the Powder Mills as a Cooper on the 20th July 1792, on pay of 2/6d per day (Supply 5/217 dated the 24th June 1795).
2. Todd joined the Volunteer Company as a Private on the 7th May 1794 (Supply 5/219 dated September 1798).
3. A signed document relating to a Petition on Pay (Supply 5/220 of the 2nd February 1800) indicated that Richard was literate and confirmed that he was still working as a Cooper.
4. A Return of Artificers & Labourers dated the 3rd November 1801 (Supply 5/221) recorded that Todd was then employed as the Master Cooper, repairing store barrels and tubs, etc.
5. He was still a Cooper in 1804 with pay of 3/1d per day (Supply 5/222).