WAPP - Waltham Abbey Personnel Project

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1. John Teeman was employed as a Cylinder Man at Fisher Street in West Sussex, earning 2/-d per day (Supply 5/226 dated the 18th June 1807). 2. At the 23rd August 1808 (Supply 5/227) he was still a Cylinder Man at the same level of pay. 3. Supply 5/228 dated the 1st September 1810, recorded he was still employed as a Cylinder Man at 2/-d per day, and this information was confirmed in Supply 5/229 dated the 29th August 1811. 4. Teeman was still a Cylinderman in February 1812, but by then, his pay had increased to 2/8d per day (WO54/512). 5. According to a Return dated the 13th February 1814, Mr. John Teeman was still a Cylinder Man, who earned 2/8d per day (Supply 5/230). 6. List of Employees dated the 25th June 1818 (Supply 5/231) recorded that John Teeman was a 48-year-old married man with 5 children, who was provided with an apartment at Fernhurst, Sussex. This Return recorded that he earned 2/4d per day. 7. In a letter dated September 1818 (Supply 5/231), it was stated "We respectfully beg leave to add the names and stations of those persons whom it will be necessary to discharge in consequence of this arrangement." The list included John Teeman, Cylinder Man.