WAPP - Waltham Abbey Personnel Project

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1. John Tamkin, the son of Thomas and Sarah Tamkin, was baptised at Waltham Abbey on the 16th March 1811. WO54/587 dated the 1st April 1833, recorded that John James Tamkin's date of appointment as a Labourer was the 1st January 1833. He was brought up in the trade of a Bricklayer, and was a married man with one child. He was then aged 22 and had served as a Labourer for three months at that date. His earnings amounted to 2/2d per day for 313 days, giving him an annual wage of £33.18.2d. 2. WO54/587 dated the 1st October 1833, was a straight update of the previous Return. 3. WO54/593 dated the 1st April 1834 stated that John still earned £33.18.2d per annum, and that his age was 23. 4. The 1841 Census recorded that John and his wife, Rebecca, lived in Malting Yard, off High Bridge Street, together with their children John (9), Sarah (6), Rebecca (4) and Mary Ann (1). John's mother, Sarah, lived with them, together with William Clayden, who was a 25-year-old School Teacher. John's trade was given as that of a Bricklayer. 5. John was working as a Bricklayer in the Engineers' Department in 1855, according to Winters (p.113).