WAPP - Waltham Abbey Personnel Project

About WAPP
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1. William Sutton was born circa 1743, and appointed as a Master Millwright by the Board on the 24th April 1771. He worked as a Millwright earning 3/-d per day at the Faversham Gunpowder Mills until October 1787, when he was sent to the Waltham Abbey Mills (Supply 5/113). 2. At Waltham he was the acting Overseer working under Bartholomew Bennett. He was allowed to travel to Waltham "...inside the coach..." and while working away from home at Waltham, his pay was to be £2.2.0d per week (Winters, p.28). However, although he continued to work at the Waltham Mills, in November 1788, he had reverted to his Faversham rate of pay of 3/-d per day (Winters, p.32). He had returned to Faversham by 1789 according to Supply 5/114.