1. William Stevens worked as a Labourer in the Corning House in January 1792, at a daily rate of 1/6d (Supply 5/215 dated the 31st January 1792). By May 1804, his pay had increased to 2/1d per day, and all Labourers received an additional allowance of 1/-d per night when it was their turn to watch - on average, every 5th night (Supply 5/222 dated the 8th May 1804).
2. William was promoted to being a working Foreman in the Corning Houses after 1803, and was then paid 2/6d per day (Supply 5/224 dated the 30th January 1806) . At January 1806, his service with the Ordnance was 3 years.
3. In June 1807, he was described as a working Foreman of Corning Houses with the same pay of 2/6d per day, and allowed 1/6d every 3rd night as a Rounder superintending the watchmen (Supply 5/226 dated the 18th June 1807).
4. According to the entry on Supply 5/227 dated the 23rd August 1808, Mr. Stevens was still a Foreman of Corning Houses, but he then earned 3/-d per day; every 3rd night he was also allowed 2/-d as a Rounder to superintend the Watchmen on duty. This was also the case during 1810.
5. At 11.15 on the 27th November 1811 there was a huge explosion at No. 4 Press House, and the ensuing fire engulfed the Corning and Reel Houses which also exploded. There was much damage to the town with many windows shattered, and reports in the press recorded that the explosion was heard as far away as Hackney, Blackwall and Marylebone (Winters, p.72). Among those killed was William Stevens, who left a widow, Elizabeth, a daughter, Elizabeth, aged 11, and a son, John, aged 3 years (Supply 5/229 dated the 3rd December 1811). Elizabeth Stevens received a weekly pension of 21/-d per week with effect from the 14th December 1811 (Winters, p.87).
6. A document dated the 8th November 1818 (5/231) listed the persons to whom pensions or charitable allowances granted by the Honourable Board as widows, orphans or relations of those who had lost their lives in the Manufactory, or who had been superannuated on account of trusts received or for length of service in the departments, were to be paid. Among the recipients was Elizabeth Stevens, who received a pension of 21/-d per week, commencing the 28th November 1811.
7. Elizabeth was still in receipt of her pension in 1821 (Supply 5/232 dated the 17th November 1821).
8. A document dated 6th December, 1821 (Supply 5/232) gave the estimated pay of persons between the 1st January and 31st December 1822 along with their superannuated allowance, as well as "the allowance to widows and orphans of those who have lost their lives at this place". It was confirmed that Elizabeth's superanuation should continue at £54.12.0d per annum. A similar document, Supply 5/232 dated the 28th December 1821, confirmed that the same pension would be paid in 1822, as well as in 1826 (Winters, p.96).
8. Elizabeth Stevens died in December 1832 (Supply 5/207 dated the 28th December 1832).