WAPP - Waltham Abbey Personnel Project

About WAPP
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1. George Staker was employed as a Cooper and was 13 when he started to work, according to a List of Employees dated the 13th February 1814 (Supply 5/230). He earned 1/9d per day, and was not allowed to watch. 2. List of Employees dated the 25th June 1818 (Supply 5/231) confirmed that George Staker was employed as a Cooper, that he was a single man aged 17 who lived in Waltham Abbey and earned 3/6d per day, but was not allowed to watch. 3. In a letter dated September1818 it was stated "We respectfully beg leave to add the names and stations of those persons whom it will be necessary to discharge in consequence of this arrangement." The list included Mr. George Staker (Supply 5/231).