WAPP - Waltham Abbey Personnel Project

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1. Edward Speller (2) first worked for the Board as a Labourer within the Engineers' Department on the 21st May 1804. He was aged 49, married with 5 children and lived in Waltham Abbey (WO54/536 dated the 31st December 1821). WO54/542 dated the 1st April 1823 recorded that he was paid 4/1d per day as a Carpenter for 313 days, which gave him an income of £63.18.1d for the year. He appeared to have been taken on the Establishment with other Carpenters on the 8th March, 1822, and had 19 years' service starting on the 21st May1804. At that date he was 50 years of age, and he had trained as a Carpenter. 2. WO54/550 dated the 1st April 1825, confirmed that Edward was still paid 4/1d per day for 313 days as a Carpenter. In 1825 his service was 21years, and at that date he was just over 52 years' old. 3. WO54/550 dated the 1st October 1825 confirmed the previous entry. It also recorded that he had been employed by a contractor working at the Mills on the 21st May 1804. 4. WO54/554 dated the 1st April 1826 gave identical information, except that Edward was then just over 53 years of age, and his service was given as 22 years. 5. WO54/554 dated the 1st October 1826 gave the same information as the previous Return, as did WO54/558 dated the 1st April 1827, although Mr. Speller then had 23 years' service and his age was given as just over 54 years. 6. WO54/558 dated the 1st October 1827 recorded no basic alterations from the previous Return. 7. Return dated the 1st April 1828 (WO54/562) updated the same basic information as given in the notes above. 8. Return dated the 1st October 1829 (WO564/566) updated his age and length of service, with family and pay details remaining unchanged. 9. According to Return WO54/570 dated the 1st April 1830, all details remained the same for Edward as previously, except that his service was given as 26 years and he was aged nearly 58.