WAPP - Waltham Abbey Personnel Project

About WAPP
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1. Francis Speller was engaged as a general Labourer on the 2nd October 1833, replacing James Speller who had died. Francis was a 21-year-old single man who earned basic pay of £28.5.6d per annum; he was also allowed to watch in turn, which increased his total annual pay to £33.9.6d. 2. WO54/593 dated the 1st April 1834, recorded that Francis Speller was still employed as a general Labourer, with all his other details remaining the same as in Note 1. He was still 21 and single, but by then had served 6 months. 3. WO54/593 dated the 1st October 1834, confirmed the information given in the note above; at that date he was 22 years of age, and had served for 1 year.