1. John Smith (6) of the Engineers' Department was paid 2/2d per day for 313 days as a Labourer. This gave him an annual income of £33.18.2d. His service was given 18 months, and he was aged 28, married and had 1 child (WO54/550 dated 1st April 1825).
2. WO54/550 dated the 30th October 1825, recorded that John Smith, a 28-year-old married man without issue (it is possible the child had died) joined the Engineers' Department as a Labourer on the 4th October 1823. This Return confirmed that he was paid 2/2d per day, giving him an annual income of £33.18s.2d.
2. WO54/554 dated the 1st April 1826, while confirming the previous information, also recorded that he had 1 child.
3. WO54/558 dated the 1st April 1827 gave the same information as in the previous notes. At that date John (6) had just over 3 years' service and was then 30 years' old .
4. WO54/558 dated the 1st October 1827 gave the same information as in Notes 1 to 3, but noted that he had 4 years' service and was over 30 years' old.
5. Return dated the 1st April 1828 (WO54/562) updated the same basic information given in the previous notes.
6. Return dated the1st October 1828 (WO54/562) updated his age and length of service, with his pay unchanged, but recorded that Smith then had 2 children.
7. Return dated the 1st October 1829 (WO564/566) updated his age and length of service, with family and pay details remaining unchanged.
8. According to the Return dated the 1st April 1830 (WO54/570) John (6) was still earning £33.18.2d per annum as a Labourer. By then he had served just over 6 years; at that date he was 33, and had 4 children.
9. Return WO54/570 dated the 1st October 1830, confirmed that John was still working as a Labourer with family details and pay remaining unchanged, but his length of service and age had been updated.
10 A Return of Persons belonging to the Civil Establishment of the Ordnance at the Gunpowder and Small Arms Manufactories at Waltham Abbey, Faversham and Enfield, showing in detail the several points of information called for by the Master General and Board's Order dated the 31st January 1831, recorded that John Smith was one of the 15 Labourers to be employed at Waltham Abbey Powder Mills and the Enfield Small Arms Factory; he was to be paid 2/2d per day and was to undertake different services as a Labourer in the Manufactories, where steadiness and sobriety were particuliary required (WO54/575 dated the 1st April 1831).
11 WO54/575 dated April 1831 updated his age and period of service in the October 1830 Return, with all other details remaining unchanged.
12 WO54/575 dated October 1831 confirmed that John still earned 2/2d per day as indicated in Note 1, giving him a total of £33.18.2d per annum. At that date he had served 8 years and was aged just over 34.
13 WO54/581 dated the 1st April 1832, updated his age and period of service in the October 1831 Return, with all other details remaining unchanged.
14 WO54/581 dated the 1st October 1832, confirmed that John Smith of the Engineers' Department still earned £33.18.2d per annum. His service was given as 9 years, and at that date he was just over 35 years' old.
15 WO54/587 dated the 1st April 1833 recorded that John Smith was 36 years of age and had served for nearly 10 years. He was still in receipt of an annual wage of £33.18.2d.
16 WO54/587 dated the 1st October 1833 was an update of the previous Return.