1. John Smith served as an Apprentice to the Master Cooper, Richard Todd at 6/-per week, with the Master Cooper being paid 6/-d week to train him (Supply 5/228 dated the 1st September 1810.)
2. According to Supply 5/229 of the 29th August 1812, John was still Apprenticed to the Master Cooper, but then earned 6/2d per week, with his Master getting 6/6d per week.
3. This John Smith was not employed at the Mills in 1814 according to Supply 5/230.
4. John would have been born circa 1796/1797; the usual age of someone starting an Apprenticeship at the Powder Mills was somewhere between 12 and 14, and it seems possible, therefore, that this John and the John Smith who started work as a Labourer in the Engineers' Department in 1823 and was of the same age, were one and the same person.