1. Frederick Simpson was appointed a Salt Peter Refiner on the 12th May 1830, according to a Return dated the 1st October 1830 (WO54/570). His rate of pay per annum was given as £39.0.0d; he was a 22-year-old, was single and had been brought up to be a Smith (a Gunsmith). A footnote to this Return recorded that on the 12th May, Simpson was "appointed a Labourer in the room of Samuel Turnham" - i.e., he had replaced Samuel Turnham as a Labourer, and was then promoted to a Saltpetre Refiner.
2. WO54/575 dated the 1st April 1831, updated the October Return and confirmed Frederick was still employed as a Saltpetre Refiner.
3. WO54/545 dated the 1st October 1831, updated his age and period of service in the April 1831 Return, with all other details remaining unchanged.
4. WO54/581 dated the 1st April 1832, updated his age and period of service in the October 1831 Return, with all other details remaining unchanged. This document recorded that he had trained as a 'Gun Smith' - possibly at the Small Arms Factory at Enfield.
5. Supply 5/207 dated the 8th August 1832, recorded that Frederick Simpson and three others were cautioned for being absent from their work for a whole day without leave, and they were warned that a repeat would result in their dismissal.
6. WO54/581 dated the 1st October 1832, updated his age and period of service in the April 1832 Return, with all other details remaining unchanged.
7. WO54/587 dated the 1st April 1833, confirmed that at that date Frederick was still earning £39.0.0d annually. His period of service was given as 3 years, his age as 23, and he was still unmarried.
8. WO54/587 dated the 1st October 1833, gave the same details as the previous Return, except that Frederick had then served just over 3 years, he was 24 years' old, and was now a married man.
9. WO54/593 dated the 1st April 1834, recorded that although Frederick was still employed as a Saltpetre Refiner, his basic pay had been cut to £28.5.6d per annum. He was still allowed to watch in turn, which increased his annual pay to £33.9.6d. At that time he had 1 child, and his age and service details had been updated,
10 WO54/593 dated the 1st October 1834, confirmed the information given in the previous note; he was then 26 and had served for just over 4 years.
11 Return of Employees dated the 1st October 1839 (WO54/623) recorded that Frederick came to Waltham as a Labourer on the 8th March 1830, and that he had been employed as a Saltpetre Refiner from the 5th September 1835. His pay in 1839 was £39, which included an allowance to watch in turn. He was then a 30-year-old married man with 2 children.
12 The 1840 Return of Domestic Properties (WO44/133) recorded "Frederick Simpson, a Labourer, was occupying a cottage, No. 71 on the general plan." The cottage has been identified as being in Romeland.
13 Although his name does not appear in the 1841 Census for Waltham Abbey, an Elizabeth Simpson, aged 36, together with her young family, were living in Romeland. It is not recorded where Frederick was at the time.