1. David Shore had been a Superintendent of Ordnance Tradesmen at Birmingham up until the 31st December 1813. Additional information given in Supply 5/232 dated 6th September 1822, was that he had been appointed Storekeeper at Gravesend on the 1st January 1817 and Storekeeper at Waltham Abbey on the 20th January 1818, at a salary of £350.00 per annum. In addition, he received an allowance of £25 for coals and candles, as well as a house upon the Establishment. In 1818, Mr. Middleton was 52, was married and had 3 children.
2. According to the List of Officers and Other Persons in Employment and their Pay dated 19th May 1819 (Supply 5/231) Mr. Middleton was still a Storekeeper, then aged 53, with all the other information given in Note 1 remaining the same.
3. List of Employees dated the 13th September 1820 (Supply 5/232) updated the above entries, with the basic details on pay, etc. remaining unchanged.
4. A statement dated the 4th April 1821, "of monies to which the public were entitled to receive credit between the 1st January and the 31st December 1820 shewing the amounts received by the storekeeper" (Supply 5/232) indicated that Middleton was living rent free in a Board of Ordnance house from the 4th February 1818, and that he rented some 17 acres of grassland from the Board at a cost of £39.17.0d per annum. His house and gardens were on the south side of High bridge Street opposite Powder Mill Lane, Plots Nos. 1973 & 1974 on the 1825 Waltham Abbey Town Map,
5. List of Officers and other Persons Employed dated the 9th April 1821(Supply 5/232) confirmed that Mr. Middleton was still Storekeeper, and recorded that he was then aged 55, was married with 3 children, and lived in Waltham Abbey, all other information remaining the same as before..
6. A statement dated 16th Feb 1822 "of monies to which the public were entitled to receive credit between the 1st January and 31st December 1821 shewing the amounts received by the storekeeper", recorded that Midlleton's grassland had been reduced to 7 acres, with a rental of £11.17.0d (Supply 5/232).