1. Roger Seabrook, a Cooper, was sent from Waltham Abbey to the Tower of London by coach, bearing a letter dated the 27th February 1789 from James Clowdesly to a William Waverly, requesting three bundles of Frick Hoops for whole barrels.
2. Seabrook was working as a Cooper in March 1789 repairing powder barrels, etc., for which he was paid 2/6d per day (Supply 5/212 dated March 1789). This was also the case in April to August 1789 (Supply 5/213 dated the 22nd August 1789).
3. A Return dated September 1789, recorded that he was then 25 years of age, and was still repairing barrels (Supply 5/214). This was also the case in March 1790 (Supply 5/214), as well as August 1790 to January 1792, at the same rate of pay according to various Returns, all Supply 5/215.