WAPP - Waltham Abbey Personnel Project

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1. Thomas Rowles (also Roles and Rools) started work on the 11th July 1790 "in punts & sett & draw stoves etc." earning 1/6d per day (Supply 5/215, dated the 14th August, 1790). 2. On the 11th December 1790, he is recorded as being "At the Corning House" and still earning 1/6d per day (Supply 5/215 dated December 1790). 3. In January 1792, Rowles was "At the stoves" (Supply 5/215) and this was also the case from September 1792 to July 1795 (all Supply 5/216), but in 1795, he was also paid an extra 6d per night when on duty. Thomas also enlisted in the Volunteer Company on the 7th May 1794, and was made a Corporal, having served 30 years in the Dragoons (Supply 5/219). 4. Supply 5/219 dated September 1798 confirmed he was a Stoveman 5. A signed document, Supply 5/220 of the 2nd February 1800 relating to a Petition on Pay, indicated that he was literate and still working as a Stoveman. 6 Report dated the 8th May 1801 (Supply 5/221) recorded that he was then working as a Labourer, and that he was a married man with one child. Note: in this document, anyone who was not an Artificer was described as a Labourer. 7. A Return of Artificers and Labourers dated the 3rd November 1801 (Supply 5/221) confirmed that Thomas was employed as a Stoveman, but that he was also engaged in cleaning and deepening the river, canals and ditches, and any other work necessary to be performed. 8. Rowles was still working as a Stoveman with his pay then 2/-d per day in May 1804; all Stovemen received an additional allowance of 1/-d per night when it was their turn to watch - on average every 5th night (Supply 5/222 dated the 8th May 1804). 9. A List of Foremen, Artificers and Labourers Employed dated the 30th January 1806 (Supply 5/224) recorded that Thomas Roles was working as a Warder, earning 2/-d per day. He had 15 years' service at that date, which agrees with the first entry above. This was also the case in Supply 5/227 dated the 23rd August 1808, wherein it was confirmed that he was also allowed to watch in turn. 10 Thomas was still employed as a Warder in August 1812 at 2/-d per day, as well as being allowed to round every third night at 2/-d (Supply 5/229 dated the 29th August 1812). 11 According to the List of Employees dated the 13th February 1814, Thomas was still a Warder, but he then earned 2/8d per day, in addition to which, he was allowed to watch in turn, as well as Rounding at 2/-d every third night (Supply 5/230).