1. Thomas Ridpath was employed as a "Respective Officer's Labourer" in September 1810 at 2/-d per day, and allowed to watch in turn (Supply 5/228 dated the 1st September 1810).
2. Supply 5/229 dated the 29th August 1812, recorded that Thomas was employed as the Storekeeper's Labourer with H. Matthews at 2/8d per day, in addition to which, he was allowed to watch in turn.
3. Thomas was employed as a Saltpetre Refiner on the 13th February 1814; his pay was still 2/8d per day and when not working extra, he was allowed to watch in turn (Supply 5/230).
4 List of Employees dated the 25th June 1818 (Supply 5/231) stated that Thomas Ridpath was still a Saltpetre Refiner, that he was a married man, aged 27, with 2 children, and that he lived in Waltham Abbey. This Return indicated that he earned 2/4d per day and was allowed to watch in turn, for which he was paid 1/-d per night.
5. In a letter dated September 1818 (Supply 5/231), it was stated "We respectfully beg leave to add the names and stations of those persons whom it will be necessary to discharge in consequence of this arrangement." The list included Ridpath, Saltpetre Refiner.
6. From information received from Dr. D. L. Ridpath, it appears that Thomas was baptised at Waltham Abbey Church on the 7th September 1791, and married Elizabeth Jones there on the 13th November 1814. In his teens, he scratched his name in the plaster of his uncle George's residence at 41 Sun Street. The signature in question appears in the "History of a Tudor House" published by the Epping Forest District Museum in 1982 (p.16).