WAPP - Waltham Abbey Personnel Project

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1. John Reason was employed as a Labourer "drawing and setting stoves and in the Willow Plantation." He was paid 2/8d per day, and allowed to watch in turn (Supply 5/230 dated the 13th February 1814). 2. List of Employees dated the 25th June 1818, stated that John Reason was now the Labourer to the Clerk of the Survey. He was a single man of 25, who earned 2/4d per day and lived in Waltham Abbey (Supply 5/230). 3. Supply 5/231 dated September 1818, recorded the names of the people who were to be retained between the 3rd September and the 31st December 1818. Reason's name was included, with his pay remaining unchanged. 4. List of Employees dated the 19th May 1819 (Supply 5/231) confirmed that Reason was still employed as the Clerk of the Survey's Labourer, and stated that he was a married man of 25 with no children who lived in Waltham Abbey. He was paid 2/4d per day and allowed to watch in turn, for which he was paid 1/-d per night. 5. List of employees dated the 13th September 1820 (Supply 5/232) confirmed that Reason was still employed as the Surveyor's Labourer and recorded that he was a widower. His pay and conditions, etc., remained unchanged. 6. A Statement dated the 4th April 1821 "of monies to which the public were entitled to receive credit between the 1st January and the 31st December 1820 shewing the amounts received by the storekeeper" (Supply 5/232) recorded that John Reason was living in a house purchased by the Board of Ordnance, Tenement No 37, with a rent of £5.4.0d per annum. John had occupied the cottage prior to its purchase by the Board and it has been identified as part of Plot No. 61 on the 1825 Town Map in Appendix 1. Following the death of his wife, John vacated his cottage and it was then let to George Miller 7. List of Employees dated the 9th April 1821, confirmed that John was still the Labourer to the Clerk of Survey. He was then 27 years of age, and still a widower living in Waltham Abbey. He was paid 2/4d per day and allowed to watch in turn, for which he was paid 1/6d per night (Supply 5/232).