WAPP - Waltham Abbey Personnel Project

About WAPP
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1. William Purkiss was an occasional Labourer in the Engineers' Department earning 2/8d per day for a six-day week (WO54/512 dated September 1812). 2. WO54/516 dated February 1816, confirmed that he was employed as an occasional Labourer earning 2/8d per day in the Engineers' Department, and had first been employed in that capacity by the Board on the 22nd July 1811. He was a 22-year-old-bachelor living in Waltham Abbey. 3. WO54/520 dated the 28th February 1817, stated he was then a 28-year-old married man with one child, who lived in Waltham Abbey, and was then paid only 2/4d per day.