1. William Price was working as a general Labourer, and a signed document relating to a Petition on Pay indicated that he was literate (Supply 5/220 of the 2nd February 1800).
2. A Report dated the 8th May 1801 (Supply 5/221) confirmed that Price was still working as a Labourer, that he was unmarried, and that he was earning 1/6d per day. Note: In this document, anyone not an Artificer was described as a Labourer.
3. Robert Coleman recorded in his Minute Book on the 23rd October 1801, that 24 men were required to work at Faversham or be discharged (Winters, p.60). However, the Faversham Gunpowder Personnel Register 1573-1840 does not record his name, so it can only be assumed his services were terminated.