1. John Pittendrigh was a Labourer in the Corning House (Supply 5/224 dated the 30th January 1806).
2. In June 1807 (Supply 5/226) the description of his work was given as a Labourer in various parts of the Manufactory, and "setting & drawing stoves, loading and unloading barges etc."
3. According to the entry on Supply 5/227 dated the 23rd August 1808, Mr. Pittendrigh was employed as a Corning House Man earning 2/6d per day, and, "in addition to their pay, they are allowed to watch in turn, for which they receive one shilling."
4. Supply 5/228 dated the 1st September 1810 recorded that John was promoted to Foreman of the Glazing Mill at 2/6d per day, and in addition he was allowed to watch in turn, for which he received 1/6d .