1. William Pierce (also Pearce) was Drawing and Setting Stoves, etc., earning 2/-d per day, and at the 30th January 1806 had 6 months' service (Supply 5/224).
2. According to the entry on Supply 5/227 dated the 23rd August 1808, Mr. Pierce was a "Foreman of Reeling Houses" earning 2/10d per day, and "in addition to their pay, they are allowed to watch in turn, for which they receive one shilling and six pence." This information still applied in 1810.
3. Supply 5/229 dated the 29th August 1812, recorded that Mr. Pierce was then a Glazing Mill Foreman earning 3/10d per day, in addition to which, he was a Rounder at 2/-d every third night.
4. List of Employees dated the 13th February 1814 (Supply 5/230) recorded that Mr. Pierce was then a Foreman of the Corning House at 4/-d per day, and that he was a Rounder at 2/-d every third night.
5. Supply 5/231 and WO54/524 dated the 25th June 1818 stated that Mr. Pierce was a Foreman of a Dusting House. He was aged 41, resided in Waltham Abbey, and was married with 4 children. He earned 3/4d per day, in addition to which, he was a Rounder at 1/6d every fifth night.
6. A List of Employees dated the 28th August 1818 (Supply 5/231) recorded the names of people to be retained between the 3rd September and the 31st December 1818. Pierce's name was included, with pay of 2/6d per day.
7. List of Employees dated the 19th May 1819 (Supply 5/231) confirmed that Pierce was still employed as a Dusting House Foreman, that he was a married man of 42 with 4 children, that he lived in Waltham Abbey, was paid 3/4d per day and was allowed to watch in turn, for which he received 1/-d per night.
8. List of Officers on Employment dated 13th September 1820 (Supply 5/232) recorded that William was then 43, still lived in Waltham Abbey, earned only 2/4d per day as a Saltpetre Refiner, but was then in receipt of 1/6d per night when allowed to watch.. According to this List he then had 5 children.
9. List of Employees dated the 9th April 1821, indicated that William was then 45 with 5 children, and confirmed he was employed as a Saltpetre Refiner; all other entries remained the same as in Note 8 (Supply 5/232).