WAPP - Waltham Abbey Personnel Project

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1. William Pallet (2) was born circa 1793 and may well have been the son of Thomas Pallet. His name first appeared in a Return of Employees in August 1812 when he was working as a Labourer "drawing and setting stoves and in the willow plantation". He was paid 2/8d per day, and in addition, was allowed to watch in turn (Supply 5/229 dated August 1812). This was also the case in 1813 (Winters, op.cit.p.77). 2. In February 1814, William Pallet was employed as an extra Bargeman earing 3/10 per day (Supply 5/230). This Return stated that he was then a married man of 24 with 1 child, and that he lived in Waltham Abbey. 3. A list of names of the people the Storekeeper proposed to retain on the Establishment to meet the new production and cost requirements between the 4th September and the 31st December 1818, was sent to the Board on the 28th August and William's name was on the list (Supply 5/231). A few days later, a second letter to the Board stated, "We respectfully beg leave to add the names and stations of those people whom it will be necessary to discharge in consequence of this arrangement" and included the name of William Pallet (Supply 5/231). 4. Although William appeared to have been dismissed, nevertheless, a William Pallet was recorded in a Statement dated the 16th February 1822 "of monies to which the public are entitled to receive credit between the 1st January and the 31st December 1821 shewing the amounts received by the storekeeper" recorded that William Pallet had been leasing a cottage owned by the Board, Tenement No. 20, at a rent of £5.4.0d per annum, and confirmed by an Order dated the 13th June 1808 (Supply 5/232). The same information was repeated in a similar Return made the following year. Allowing for a slight delay in preparing the legal papers, it can only be assumed that the cottage in question could, perhaps. be the tenement where Thomas Pallet had lived. The cottage and small garden has been identified as being in Powder Mill Lane, forming part of Plot No. 2 on the Town Map in Appendix 1. A William Pallet was still living in the same cottage in 1825 (1825 Valuation of Waltham Abbey - D/Dhf B29).