1. William Pallet started work at the Mills on the 16th July 1790 as a Labourer refining Saltpetre, and was paid 1/6d per day. This was also the case in January 1792 (Supply 5/215) and in July 1792 to February 1793 (Supply 5/216 dated the 28th February 1793) as well as in August 1793 to August 1794 (Supply 5/216) and December 1794 (Supply 5/217)
2. Pallet enlisted as a Private in the Voluntary Company on the 7th May 1794. (Supply 5/219 dated September 1798).
3. A signed document relating to a Petition on Pay showed that he was illiterate, and that he was still working as a Refining House Labourer (Supply 5/220 dated the 2nd February 1800).
4. A Report dated the 8th May 1801, confirmed he was working as a Labourer and that he was unmarried (Supply 5/221). In that document, anyone not an Artificer was described as a Labourer.
5. A Return of Artificers and Labourers dated the 3rd November 1801 (Supply 5/221) confirmed that he was still employed as a Refining Labourer although, " having been employed in cleansing the river etc. but have taken cold and are now very unwell, when recovered may be employed as before." This was the last reference found relating to William in the early 1800's.