WAPP - Waltham Abbey Personnel Project

About WAPP
629 / 962


1. John Page was employed by the Engineers' Department. In a letter dated 23rd June 1801, it was stated that the writer had "the Board's commands to transmit to you on the other side hereof a list of the men who have been burnt and otherwise hurt by the fire which lately (16th June 1801) destroyed the Corning House at Waltham Abbey; and I am to desire the storekeeper will pay the men all of their pay until they are recovered." The list included Mr. Page (Supply 5/195). 2. Supply 5/229 dated the 29th August 1812, recorded that Mr. Page was employed as a Labourer "drawing and setting stoves and in the willow plantation," and was paid 2/8d per day. He was also allowed to watch in turn. This was also the case on the 13th February 1814 (Supply 5/230).