1. John Oxley was employed as a Millman at 2/3d per day, and allowed 3d per night when on duty (Supply 5/226 dated the 18th June 1807).
2. According to the entry in Supply 5/227 dated the 23rd August 1808, John was still a Millman earning 2/3d per day, and "allowed 6d per night when on duty."
3. Supply 5/228 dated the 1st September 1810, confirmed Oxley was employed as a Millman who was paid 2/3d day, and allowed 6d per night when on duty.
4. Oxley was still a Millman on the 13th February 1814, but his pay had increased to 3/11d per day, with an additional 6d per night when on duty (Supply 5/230).