1. Thomas Montague was employed as a Labourer, dusting and glazing gunpowder at 1/6d per day (Supply 5/212 dated the 21st March 1789).
2. In Supply 5/213 of the 18th April 1789, he was described as "cutting and planting willow trees, cutting of canal at the new Corning House, removing earth to the Store, unloading barge of coals & charring wood."
3. Supply 5/214 dated September 1789, confirmed that he was employed in dusting and glazing the powder, and recorded that he was 24 years' old.
4. According to Supply 5/214 dated March 1790, Montague was grinding Saltpetre and Charcoal, etc., as was the case on the 14th August, 1790 (Supply 5/215). He remained in this position until June 1791 (also Supply 5/215).
5. Supply 5/215 of the 31st January 1792, recorded that he was mixing composition.
6. Supply 5/216 dated the 31st July 1792, recorded that Montague was working in the Corning Houses, as he was in March 1793 (Supply 5/5/216).