1. William Mold (also Mould) was a Labourer working in the Corning House with pay of 1/6d per day (Supply 5/213 dated the 22nd August 1789).
2. William's age was given as 27 in Supply 5/214 dated September 1789, and this Return confirmed he still worked in the Corning House.
3. Return dated the 27th March 1790, recorded that he was "grinding salt petre, charcoal etc." (Supply 5/ 214).
4. William was working in the Corning House in August and September 1790, as well as in December 1790 to March 1792 (Supply 5/215).
5. Mold was working as a Millman in July 1792 and paid 2/-d per day. (Supply 5/216 dated the 31st July 1792).
6. He was still a Millman in February 1793 (Supply 5/216 dated the 28th February, 1793) August to September 1793 (Supply 5/216) January 1794 (Supply 5/216) and August to December 1794 (also Supply 5/216).
7. Robert Coleman, Clerk of the Cheque, recorded in his Minute Book on the 6th May 1793 that Mold, a Millman, was caught wearing nailed shoes on duty and chequered (fined) a day's pay (Winters, p.38).
8. William was chequered again by Coleman on the 23rd September 1793 for refusing to get up at 12 o'clock to attend to his Mill duty and, presumably, he was on watch (Winters, p.40).
9. Robert Coleman reported on the 15th January 1795 that "Dyer and Mold sent with two loaded wagons to Purfleet." There was a severe frost in January 1795 which prevented barge transport, and work stopped at the Mills. (Winters p.44).
10 Robert Coleman recorded on the 30th June 1795 "Mold was discharged for sleeping on duty, and abuse, etc., to E Jones, Rounder. Mold re-entered the Factory July 7th" (Winters, p.46
11 He joined the Volunteer Company as a Private on the 7th May 1794 (Supply 5/219 dated September 1798).
12 A Petition on Pay and Conditions at the Mills submitted to the Board on the 2nd February 1800, showed that Mold was still working as a Millman, and that he was illiterate (Supply 5/220).
13 Return on the Marital Status of the Employees dated the 8th May 1801 confirmed that Mold was still working as a Millman, that he was a married man and that he had 1 child (Supply 5/221)