WAPP - Waltham Abbey Personnel Project

About WAPP
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1. Edward Mold was not employed at the Mills, but had a promise to be employed when the Mills were set to work. He was subsequently engaged as a Millman with pay of 2/-d per day (Supply 5/212 dated the 21st March 1789). 2. Supply 5/214 dated September 1789, confirmed that he was employed as a Millman. 3. A letter dated the 6th October 1789 (WASC 475) to the Duke of Richmond from James Wright and John Clowdesly stated, "we beg to report that Edwd. Mold, a Millman employed at this place, has been several times found to have drunk rather more than he should have done, for which we have admonished him and told him that he would certainly be discharged if he continued to be so indiscreet. Notwithstanding the repeated caution given to him he came to take his turn of duty to work two Mills (From 6 to 12 o'clock at night) so much in liquor that we were oblidged to send him home [and] we have suspended him until we receive your commands whether he is to be discharged from the Service." 4. There are no other entries for Mr. Mold.