1. George Mitchell was in the Artillery from the 1st January 1771 to the 17th December 1784. He was a Labourer in the Corning House and Glazing Engine at Faversham from May 1788 to 1st November 1789 (Supply 5/212 dated the 24th January 1789). He started work at Waltham Abbey on the 1st January 1789, although whether he left his employment at Faversham and rejoined the Board at Waltham is uncertain (Supply 5/212). Supply 5/212 dated 21 March 1789, recorded that he was working as a Warder, stationed at the field gate and on the bank of the canal, and paid 1/6d per day. Supply 5/214 dated September 1789 recorded that he was 40 years' old and still employed as a Warder at the field gate and on the bank of the canal. He was still in this position in January 1792 to February 1793 (Supply 5/216 dated the 28th February, 1793), August 1793 to August 1794 (also Supply 5/216) as well as in September to December 1794 (Supply 5/217). Mitchell joined the Waltham Volunteers, an artillery unit, on the 7th May 1794, and later became a Corporal (Supply 5/219).
2. A signed document, Supply 5/220 of the 2nd February 1800 relating to a Petition on Pay, showed that he was literate and was still working as a Warder.
3. A Report dated the 8th May 1801 (Supply 5/221) recorded that he was working as a Labourer, was a married man and had one child. In this document, anyone not an Artificer was described as a Labourer.
4. A Return of Artificers and Labourers dated the 3rd November 1801 (Supply 5/221) confirmed that he was still employed as Warder "attending at the field gate, refining house and upper part of the works."
5. Supply 5/222 dated the 8th May 1804 confirmed that he was still working as a Warder. His pay was then 2/-d per day, and all Warders received an additional allowance of 1/-d per night when it was their turn "to watch" - on average every 5th night.
6. Supply 5/224 dated the 30th January 1806, recorded that Mr. Mitchell was still a Warder earning 2/-d.per day, and, according to this Return, he had 17 years' service.
7. Return of the 23rd August 1808 (Supply 5/227) confirmed that George was still employed as a Warder earning 2/-d per day, and that in addition he was allowed to watch in turn.
8. Supply 5/228 dated the 1st September 1810, confirmed Mitchell was employed as a Warder at 2/-day, and allowed to round every third night for which he was paid 2/-
9. George was still employed as a Warder in August 1812 with pay of 2/-d per day, as well as being allowed to round every third night ( Supply 5/229 dated the 29th August 1812).