WAPP - Waltham Abbey Personnel Project

About WAPP
569 / 962


1. Donald McLean started work at Faversham on 1st November 1787. He was an ex-soldier who was transferredas a Warder on the 1st February 1789 to Waltham Abbey, and in March 1789, he was grinding Salt Petre and Charcoal, etc., and paid 1/6d per day (Supply 5/212 dated the 21st March 1789). 2. He was "cutting and planting willow trees, cutting of canal at the new Corning House, removing earth to the Store, unloading barge of coals & charring wood" according to Supply 5/213 dated the 18th April 1789. 3. An entry in Winters on the 22nd June 1789, recorded that Mclean would be discharged "for ill-treating a young servant maid to the Clerk of the Cheque in one of the watch houses." This was confirmed in a letter from the Storekeeper and the Clerk of the Cheque to the Board, and the letter clearly stated that McLean would not be replaced (WASC 475).