WAHN - Waltham Abbey Historic Negatives

About WAHN
11Vol.1 - Oeconomie rustique, charbon de bois (Rustic economy, charcoal), Plate 1806
22Vol.1 - Oeconomie rustique, charbon de bois (Rustic economy, charcoal), Plate 2806
33Royal Gunpowder Factory Sandhurst Hospital 1350
44No 99 - Removal of runners Group A Mills
55No 59 - Guncotton Factory from Quinton Hill 1896 Neg B8
6613.12.1893No 44 - Royal Gunpowder Factory Lower Island No 2 Cam House exploded 2.35am Neg A51240
7712.9.1967PERME Waltham Abbey Library and Lecture Theatre A 203. 1-10 /3 Powder boat outside918/3
88Portrait of Sir William Congreve, Jnr262
99Portrait of John Smeaton by G Romney808168
1010Rogerius Baco, figure 17, Roger Bacon (c1214-1292). ex Collectione Frederici Roth Scholizii Norib.
1111Fuller, T. Two extracts from "The History of the Worthies of England" /1 Gunpowder. /2 Portrait of Fuller.1756
1212Lady of the Lea gunpowder barge 10033
13131891Pioneer of Cordite Mfgr at Waltham Abbey. The earliest b/w photograph of Royal Gunpowder Factory Cordite workers. 3 men identified as Mr E E (or G G ) Skerman, Mr Chas Haslar (aged 16) and Mr Tom Basey (copy from orig photograph.)878
1414Joan (Champernowne) Widow of Sir Anthony Denny d.1553
1515Sir Anthony Denny ob. 1549 from the original by Holbein in collection of Rt Hon the Earl of Radnor
1616Edward Denny the Younger, nephew of Sir Edward. Buried in the Abbey 1637
1717Margaret (Edgecumbe) d. 1645 Widow of Sir Edward Denny. Effigy in Abbey but buried B. Stortford
1818Sir Edward Denny I. Monument in the Abbey d.1600
20209.1936Royal Gunpowder Factory - Demolition of No 3 Gunpowder Mill 139487
2121Notice from South Mill Lock, Bishops Stortford. Transportation Warning.
2222Eleanor Cross. partially ruined monument1200
2323c1900Powdermill Lane Waltham Abbey8841251
2424c1890Waltham Abbey Powdermill Lane - junction with Highbridge St 1203
2525The Stream, Powdermill Lane Waltham Abbey 879
2626Waltham Abbey Refinery Bridge and Abbey Marshes. 880
2727The Powder Mills, Waltham. b/w photographs of engravings from Walford's Greater London1096, 905, 37088
2828Composite - Coal barge at RSAF/ The Forge/ The Hammer88
29291906Description of Col Nathan and Dr Robertson's investigation of two explosions in India
3030Powder Boat Royal Gunpowder Factory. b/w photographs of boat after transit from Fort Halstead1081
3131aUpright mill for Mr Walton's powder mill at Waltham Abbey
3131bUpright mill for Mr Walton's powder mill at Waltham Abbey (duplicate)
3232The Gunpowder Plot Conspirators (Latin)1244
333322.4.1842The Explosion at Waltham Abbey. ILN, Vol II, pp275-6 4 b/w glass plate negs of artist's impression of explosion573113/1
3434a1814Col Sir William Congreve - Details of the rocket system Plate 11. 11540
3434b1814Col Sir William Congreve - Details of the rocket system Plate 11 derivation11540
3535The Martyrdom of St Catherine1243
36361814Col Sir William Congreve - Details of the rocket system Plate 1211540
3737JTRU b/w photograph1161
3838Front cover of book 'Epping Forest Literary and Historical Associations' by William Addison
4040Nathan Col Sir Fredk L Supt Royal Gunpowder Factory 1900-1909 Supt RG a & SAF 1909 12953
4141Abel, Sir Frederick.
42421662Gunpowder Constituents. Small placard incribed with copy of list of constituents, orig written by Thomas Fuller "The Worthies of England" 16621093
43431896Maxwell, Sir Herbert. Sixty years a Queen. /2 "Interior of Guncotton Factory" 1059247/2
44441896Maxwell, Sir Herbert. Sixty years a Queen. /3 Winding Cordite 1059247/3
4545W Lonsdale painting of Wm Congreve Bart (Jnr) b/w photograph1320
4646Covered boat Royal Gunpowder Factory Waltham Abbey /1 Dyeline copy of Original drawing 514
4747Barrel viewed through a damaged window Mystery
484810.1965Rudge, E A. Tales of the Essex border Essex Countryside Vol 13 No 105 pp782-3 b/w photograph to Abbey Church showing corner of Powdermill Lane521109
4949Plan of Grand Magazine? Mystery
5050Lecture by Dr R C Farmer -'Gunpowder Processing. b/w photograph /2 Gunpowder Mixing House 1094
5151Lecture by Dr R C Farmer -Gunpowder Processing. b/w photograph /1 Granulating 1094
5252Lecture by Dr R C Farmer -'Gunpowder Processing. b/w photograph /3 Glazing 1094
5353Lecture by Dr R C Farmer -Gunpowder Processing. b/w photograph /6 Gunpowder Incorporation1094
5454early 1965ERDE Senior Staff group b/w photograph 506107
55551895Fitzgerald, William G How Explosives are made. Extract from the Strand Magazine Vol IX pp307-318. /12 A Powder Barge.457101/12
56561895Fitzgerald, William G How Explosives are made. Extract from the Strand Magazine Vol IX pp307-318. /6 Incorporating Mills. 457101/6
57571560Marco Antonio Erizzo. Letter to John Tamworth of Waltham Abbey. MS address showing 1560. b/w photograph547
58581861Saltpetre Refinery Powder Mills Waltham Abbey. Engraving at Waltham Abbey Hist Soc. PERME Christmas Card1209
5959 Petrel Rocket 3 views b/w photographs1172
6060Skylark Upper Atmosphere Research Vehicle launch b/w photograph. 1163
6161Staff photo Guncotton Section 12.12.19181336
6262General arrangement of typical solid propellant rocket motor
63632 female WW1 workers standing by bench
64641895Fitzgerald, William G How Explosives are made. Extract from the Strand Magazine Vol IX pp307-318. /2 Sulphur Refinery. 457101/2
65651895Fitzgerald, William G How Explosives are made. Extract from the Strand Magazine Vol IX pp307-318. /5 Making Charcoal.457101/5
6666Engelbach, Frederick G. HMOF. Waltham Abbey. The Navy and Army Illustrated. /5 Waltham Lock - A Placid Scene102/5
67671735John Walton's Powder Mills from Farmers History of Waltham Abbey b/w photograph40293
6868Guncotton potchers on South Site
69691899-1900Engelbach, Frederick G. HMOF. Waltham Abbey. The Navy and Army Illustrated. /14 Nitrating Shop in the dinner hour459102/14
70705" gauge railway showing approach and access to magazines
71711943Guncotton Section RGPF 1943 No identification of staff
72721914-18RGPF Press House workers 1914-18
7373Activities of the Materials Research Laboratories ERDE Waltham (3 different negatives)
74746.1917Munitioners, Waltham Abbey b/w photograph 28 Women workers Royal Gunpowder Factory924
7575Sewardstone Street, Waltham Abbey
7676Laboratory equipment and Lecture Hall (7 b/w negatives)
7777Photographic laboratory (3 b/w negatives)
7878Fire and ambulance station and firemen
79791888Wardell W H - Handbook of Gunpowder and Guncotton /2 Apparatus for burning charcoal (See WANBD 3)12180/2
80801888Wardell W H - Handbook of Gunpowder and Guncotton /3 Sulphur Refining apparatus (See WANBD 3)12180/3
81811888Wardell W H - Handbook of Gunpowder and Guncotton /6 Gunpowder hydraulic press (See WANBD 3)12180/6
8282Treatise on Service Explosives, HMSO. b/w photographs of illustrations. /20 Nitro Glycerine Factory1536?/20
83831888Wardell W H - Handbook of Gunpowder and Guncotton /1 Apparatus for refining saltpetre (See WANBD 3)12180/1
84841888Wardell W H - Handbook of Gunpowder and Guncotton /7 Granulating Machine (See WANBD 3)12180/7
85851888Wardell W H - Handbook of Gunpowder and Guncotton /5 Breaking Down Machine (See WANBD 3)12180/5
8686Christy, Miller./1 Cordwood being piled on coalhearth before burning. /2 Essex charcoal burner (Samuel Collard) and his hut. b/w negatives copied from the Victoria History of Essex1000/1222
8787Christy, Miller. Cordwood being piled on coalhearth before burning. b/w slide copied from the Victoria History of Essex1000/1222
8888Christy, Miller. Essex charcoal burner (Samuel Collard) and his hut. b/w slide1000/2222
89891907The Valley of the Lea from Epping Forest.. b/w negatives of frontispiece of the "Victoria History of Essex"1511391
90901907The Valley of the Lea from Epping Forest.. b/w slide of frontispiece of the "Victoria History of Essex"1511391
91915.10.1978 /1-/44 Colour negatives of Duke of Gloucester's visit to PERME 564
92921899-1900Engelbach, Frederick G. HMOF. Waltham Abbey. The Navy and Army Illustrated. /20 Gentle persuasion - Cordite being forced into cords under enormous pressure459102/20
93931899-1900Engelbach, Frederick G. HMOF. Waltham Abbey. The Navy and Army Illustrated. /21Blending cordite - winding 60 strands into one rope459102/21
94941899-1900Engelbach, Frederick G. HMOF. Waltham Abbey. The Navy and Army Illustrated. /22 Baking cordite - drying out the acetone at 100 degrees F459102/22
95951899-1900Engelbach, Frederick G. HMOF. Waltham Abbey. The Navy and Army Illustrated. /25 A nitroglycerine lift - showing earth banks round NG house459102/25
96961896 "Where nitroglycerine is made - this building once blew up with terrible results (Thiele & Co) Bourne 1059247/4
97971895Fitzgerald, William G How Explosives are made. Extract from the Strand Magazine Vol IX pp307-318. /22 Ten Stranding. 457101/22
98981895Fitzgerald, William G How Explosives are made. Extract from the Strand Magazine Vol IX pp307-318. /20 Nitro Glycerine Works.457101/20
99991895Fitzgerald, William G How Explosives are made. Extract from the Strand Magazine Vol IX pp307-318. /9 The Press House.(showing powder boat)457101/9
10010013.8.1830Drayson F - Treatise on Gunpowder Perspective view of the interior (Detail of incorporating mill)4479
1011011857Baddeley F - Pamphlet on the manufacture of Gunpowder at Government Factory Waltham Abbey - reserved for wasc 6 no image available6
1021021895Fitzgerald, William G How Explosives are made. Extract from the Strand Magazine Vol IX pp307-318. /1Any Matches. 457101/1
1031031895Fitzgerald, William G How Explosives are made. Extract from the Strand Magazine Vol IX pp307-318. /7 Incorporating Mills interior.457101\7
1041041895Fitzgerald, William G How Explosives are made. Extract from the Strand Magazine Vol IX pp307-318. /8 Starting the Mill. 457101/8
1051051895Fitzgerald, William G How Explosives are made. Extract from the Strand Magazine Vol IX pp307-318. /11 The Moulding Room. 457101/11
1061061895Fitzgerald, William G How Explosives are made. Extract from the Strand Magazine Vol IX pp307-318. /13 Interior of the Hospital. 457101\13
1071071895Fitzgerald, William G How Explosives are made. Extract from the Strand Magazine Vol IX pp307-318. /15 Weighing and Drying Room.457101/15
1081081895Fitzgerald, William G How Explosives are made. Extract from the Strand Magazine Vol IX pp307-318. /16 Dipping Tanks. 457101/16
1091091895Fitzgerald, William G How Explosives are made. Extract from the Strand Magazine Vol IX pp307-318. . /18 Boiling Vats. 457101/18
110110Weighing scales- 4 b/w negatives
1111111895Fitzgerald, William G How Explosives are made. Extract from the Strand Magazine Vol IX pp307-318. /24 The Pond after an Explosion457101/24
1121121895Fitzgerald, William G How Explosives are made. Extract from the Strand Magazine Vol IX pp307-318. /23 Settling Pond. 457101/23
1131131899-1900Engelbach, Frederick G. HMOF. Waltham Abbey. The Navy and Army Illustrated. /26 A Danger Building A process of manufacture of NG459102/26
1141141899-1900Engelbach, Frederick G. HMOF. Waltham Abbey. The Navy and Army Illustrated. /16 Moulding guncotton discs459102/16
1151151895Fitzgerald, William G How Explosives are made. Extract from the Strand Magazine Vol IX pp307-318. /19 Cordite Press House.457101/19
1161161895Fitzgerald, William G How Explosives are made. Extract from the Strand Magazine Vol IX pp307-318. /4 The Wood Stacks.457101/4
1171171895Fitzgerald, William G How Explosives are made. Extract from the Strand Magazine Vol IX pp307-318. /14 Pricking Cotton for cordite457101/14
1181181899-1900Engelbach, Frederick G. HMOF. Waltham Abbey. The Navy and Army Illustrated. /18 Before and after incorporation459102/18
1191191895Fitzgerald, William G How Explosives are made. Extract from the Strand Magazine Vol IX pp307-318. /17 Cooling Tanks. 457101/17
1201201899-1900Engelbach, Frederick G. HMOF. Waltham Abbey. The Navy and Army Illustrated./17 A Silent Giant - machine for pressing guncotton discs459102/17
1211211899-1900Engelbach, Frederick G. HMOF. Waltham Abbey. The Navy and Army Illustrated./13 Oven for drying cotton459102/13
1221221899-1900Engelbach, Frederick G. HMOF. Waltham Abbey. The Navy and Army Illustrated./11 Mixing acids by compressed air459102/11
123123Saint Barbara. b/w photograph of casting presented to Dr P Collins of PERME Waltham Abbey at ICT Conference.1050
124124Building A 201 ceiling - 3 b/w negatives
125125Buildings A 201/202 7 different b/w negatives
1261263.1978PERME Waltham Abbey. John Walton's Sundial earlier than 1787. Millstone base. O/s A200 Walton House.b/w negative1211
127127PERME Waltham Abbey. Main Gate & Admin Offices b/w negative1212
1281281899-1900Engelbach, Frederick G. HMOF. Waltham Abbey. The Navy and Army Illustrated./10 The Genesis of Guncotton - The acid mixing shed459102/10
1291291899-1900Engelbach, Frederick G. HMOF. Waltham Abbey. The Navy and Army Illustrated./12 A study in cotton - Picking room459102/12
1301301899-1900Engelbach, Frederick G. HMOF. Waltham Abbey. The Navy and Army Illustrated./8 Specimens of Cordite and primers459102/8
1311311899-1900Engelbach, Frederick G. HMOF. Waltham Abbey. The Navy and Army Illustrated./24 The crater of the volcano showing pulverised brick and stone459102/24
1321321899-1900Engelbach, Frederick G. HMOF. Waltham Abbey. The Navy and Army Illustrated./23 A ruined NG house459102/23
1331331899-1900Engelbach, Frederick G. HMOF. Waltham Abbey. The Navy and Army Illustrated./9 Landing acetone on arrival at the factory459102/9
1341341899-1900Engelbach, Frederick G. HMOF. Waltham Abbey. The Navy and Army Illustrated./2 Lt W B Anley Officer in charge of danger buildings Waltham459102/2
1351351899-1900Engelbach, Frederick G. HMOF. Waltham Abbey. The Navy and Army Illustrated./1 Major F L Nathan RA Asst Superintendent of Powder Factory459102/1
136136Waltham Holy Cross Parish Register 1653-1686 /1 Section 1665 -/2 Burial of Powder Workers (Film and glass plate)1221
137137Brayley Hodgetts, E A - The rise and progress of the British Explosives Industry /3 English stamp mill in the 16th C141/3
1381381346Cressy bombard
139139VOID see HN 222
140140VOID see HN 136
141141Nine men around a wheel barrow and a straw lined carboy
142142c1900Royal Gunpowder Factory Stokers b/w photograph1218
143143Royal Gunpowder Factory WA. Operator of Gunpowder Incorporating Mill wearing a suit of lasting. b/w photograph1424
1441441896RGPF WA Photographs donated by Mr H J Moore /3 View from the Lee Navigation bridge looking east c1896 927200/3
145145The Turnham Family - coopers at the Royal Gunpowder Factory b/w photograph1246
14614626.3.1808Powder Mills Waltham Abbey Drawn and engraved by Ellis
1471471896RGPF WA Photographs donated by Mr H J Moore /8 Long Walk, snow scene. 927200/8
148148View of the Long Walk with policeman ? Frost see WASC 105?
149149Some Account of Gunpowder - view of the gunpowder mills at Waltham Abbey as they appeared in 17351583
150150c 1890Millhead Stream Royal Gunpowder Factory with Powderboat b/w photograph1095
151151c1980Royal Gunpowder Factory Millhead Stream frozen in winter b/w photograph 1217
152152"The Cross erected in memory of Queen Eleanor" photograph of engraving14264
1531531966Books on Gunpowder Mills. Photograph at PERME Waltham Abbey Museum. b/w photograph 1090
1541541948Simmons, W H The manufacture of RDX in GB /1 Formaldehyde converter platform. Fig 11003223/1
1551551948Simmons, W H The manufacture of RDX in GB/2 Nitrous gases flow diagram. Fig 61003223/2
1561561948Simmons, W H The manufacture of RDX in GB /3 Fume absorption plant. Fig 71003223/3
1571571948Simmons, W H The manufacture of RDX in GB /4 View of the top of the ammonia convertors. Fig111003223/4
1581581948Simmons, W H The manufacture of RDX in GB /5 Base of the nitric concentration tower. Fig 121003223/5
1591591948Simmons, W H The manufacture of RDX in GB /6 Hexamine condenser and evaporator. Fig 41003223/6
1601601948Simmons, W H The manufacture of RDX in GB /7 Hexamine dryer. Fig 51003223/7
1611611948Simmons, W H The manufacture of RDX in GB /8 A view of one of the RDX "cleanways". Fig 131003223/8
1621621948Simmons, W H The manufacture of RDX in GB /9 General view at the base of the ammonia converters. Fig 101003223/9
1631631948Simmons, W H The manufacture of RDX in GB /10 A continuous nitrator for RDX. Fig 141003223/10
1641641948Simmons, W H The manufacture of RDX in GB /11 Dilutor with control panel in the background. Fig 161003223/11
1651651948Simmons, W H The manufacture of RDX in GB /12 RDX boiling vats. Fig 171003223/12
1661661948Simmons, W H The manufacture of RDX in GB /13 An interior view of the classifier filter. Fig 191003223/13
1671671896Guncotton Dipping House - full of cooling jars" Thiele & Co41294/1
1681681896 Cotton Waste ready to be made into guncotton - After it has been picked it is carried over the shute into this department"41294/6
1691691896 The pressing house - Here cordite and guncotton are pressed by hydraulic rams41294/5
1701701896 A tedious occupation - women picking the cotton waste for gun cotton41294/2
1711711896 Deadly Liquids - A yard full of acids for making explosives41294/4
1721721896 A reeling machine - winding the explosive cordite thread41294/3
1731731899-1900Engelbach, Frederick G. HMOF. Waltham Abbey. The Navy and Army Illustrated. 3 Articles 14.10.1899 30.12.1899 13.1.1900 /4 Any matches or keys?459102/4
1741741899-1900Engelbach, Frederick G. HMOF. Waltham Abbey. The Navy and Army Illustrated. 3 Articles 14.10.1899 30.12.1899 13.1.1900 /6 The Waltham uniform, showing boots used in danger buidings459102/6
1751751899-1900Engelbach, Frederick G. HMOF. Waltham Abbey. The Navy and Army Illustrated. 3 articles 14.10.1899, 30.12.1899, 13.1.1900 /19 A machine in its time plays many parts - baker's dough incorporator used for cordite mixing459102/19
1761761837John Smeaton, Civil Engineer FRS died October 28 1792 aged 68 years. Portrait engraved copied from reports. Vol 1 2nd Ed 2 b/w slides and negatives1063
1781781851The burglary at the Ordnance Powder Works at Waltham Report of the trial. 3 glass negatives
1791791899-1900Engelbach, Frederick G. HMOF. Waltham Abbey. The Navy and Army Illustrated. 3 Articles 14.10.1899 30.12.1899 13.1.1900 /3 The headquarters of the staff, Waltham459102/3
1801801899-1900Engelbach, Frederick G. HMOF. Waltham Abbey. The Navy and Army Illustrated. 3 Articles 14.10.1899 30.12.1899 13.1.1900 /7 A self planted shrubbery - Brick traverse separating mixing house from other buildings on Lower Island459102/7
181181Missions - distances to each planet
182182A table of the Enthalpy conversion factor
183183Table of specific impulse of hydrogen gas
184184Table of optimum calculated specific impulse of liquid propellants, etc.
185185Heats of combustion of light elements with oxygen
186186Heats of combustion of hydrides with oxygen
187187Table of specific impulse of liquid propellants
1881881735The Arms of John Walton . b/w photograph of Coat of Arms from Farmer's History995
189189Cattle Market, Waltham Abbey. b/w photograph675120
1901901909Brayley Hodgetts, E A - The rise and progress of the British Explosives Industry /1 Roger Bacon, photograph of a painting at Knowle Castle141/1
1911911851View of offices of Royal Gunpowder Factory Waltham Abbey drawn by J Bell. b/w photograph of drawing1103
192192The Welsh Harp and Waltham Abbey, Essex
193193Complaint against Ralph Hudson re a powder mill near Hook's Marsh Bridge
194194The Arms of the Board of Ordnance
19519515.9.1783Waltham Abbey Church from S b/w photograph of engraving by S. Harper1102
1961961944?Royal Gunpowder Factory Women's Home Guard attached 56th Essex Troop b/w group photograph1304
1971977.9.1968The main steps in profile construction and maintenance, from Chemistry and Industry
198198Letter from Holles Newcastle & R Nugent to our right trusty and wellbeloved councillor John, Lord Viscot Ligonnier, Master General . Establishment of Officers for carrying on the Powder Works at Faversham. (with salaries)
199199Waltham Abbey Highbridge St looking E to Abbey Church b/w photograph1204
2002008.1892Royal Gunpowder Factory Rear view of officer's old quarters. Drawing by William Street b/w photograph1214
201201Knapman P G MBE Supt Royal Gunpowder Factory 1939- 1943 ADOF 1944 -1950 13357
202202Younghusband Lt Gen G W . CB. Supt Royal Gunpowder Factory 1868-1875 12347
203203Hay Lt Gen Sir Robert J KCB Supt Royal Gunpowder Factory 1875-188012448
204204Fitzgerald, William G How Explosives are made. Extract from the Strand Magazine Vol IX pp307-318. Complete article including all illustrations101/0
2052051895Fitzgerald, William G How Explosives are made. Extract from the Strand Magazine Vol IX pp307-318. /3 Saltpetre Refinery. 457101/3
2062061895Fitzgerald, William G How Explosives are made. Extract from the Strand Magazine Vol IX pp307-318. /10 Entering a danger building.457101/10
207207Hagley Museum exhibits of DuPont Gunpowder Buildings. b/w photographs 1-6702134
2082081895Fitzgerald, William G How Explosives are made. Extract from the Strand Magazine Vol IX pp307-318. /21 Mixing Cordite Dough.457101/21
209209Lt Gen Sir William Congreve, 1st Baronet, Portrait 1 colour , 1 b/w 559111
210210Demolition of Stores buildings on site of new library showing base of old mill
211211Demolition of 3 storey building by waterway Mystery
212212c1895-1905Royal Gunpowder Factory Waltham Abbey b/w photographs 11 photographs donated by Mr H J Moore /6 Sundial and Infants927200/6
2132131956Royal Gunpowder Factory. The ruins of the last pair of mills. b/w photographs of the same scene as Monro's painting674119
2142141763Gillespie, C.C. A Diderot Pictorial Encyclopaedia of Trades and Industry. 806166
215215 Oeconomie rustique, charbon de bois (Rustic economy, charcoal)
216216 Oeconomie rustique, charbon de bois (Rustic economy, charcoal)
217217 Mineralogie: Travail de souffre (Sulphur)
218218 Mineralogie; Extraction du Salpetre (Saltpetre Extraction)
219219 Mineralogie; Raffinage du salpetre (Refining saltpetre)
220220 Mineralogie; Fabrique de la Poudre de Canon (Stamp Mill)
221221Mineralogie; Fabrique de la Poudre de Canon (Incorporating Mill)
221221Mineralogie Fabrique de la Poudre de Canon (? Granulating process)
22222223.7.1801Royal Society Letter of Committee re explosion at Royal Gunpowder Factory Waltham Abbey b/w photograph1006
2232231789Sumpter' W. Employment of Faversham men at Waltham Abbey. Letter No 10 from Royal Gunpowder Factory Entry Book of In letters Vol 1 25.10.1789 - 15.3.17891007
224224a16.2.1789Establishment of Officers with salaries at the Royal Gunpowder Factory Waltham Abbey b/w photograph of ledger page1008
224224b16.2.1789Establishment of Apprentices and saltpetre refining house and horses at the Royal Gunpowder Factory Waltham Abbey b/w photograph of ledger page1009
225225a 16.2.1789Establishment of Officers at the Royal Gunpowder Factory Waltham Abbey Signed by Richmond, Master General .b/w photograph of ledger page1009
225225b16.2.1789Establishment of Officers at the Royal Gunpowder Factory Waltham Abbey Signed by Richmond, Master General b/w photograph of ledger page1009
226226Congreve, W as Deputy Controller Letter re different sorts of gp and saltpetre, and how to distinguish between them. b/w photograph1010
22722713.12.1787Forman, H. Instructions on labour organisation at Waltham Abbey. Letter dated Royal Laboratory, Woolwich. b/w photograph1011
228228a Distinguishing Marks used upon powder barrels. b/w photograph1012
228228bDistinguishing Marks used upon powder barrels. b/w photograph1012
229229Bowden Dr R C OBE Supt Royal Gunpowder Factory 1934-1939 Framed photograph13256
230230Dickson General Sir Collingwood GCB VC Inspector of Gunpowder Royal Gunpowder Factory 1852-1854 Framed photograph12045
231231Gentleman wearing regalia Mystery
232232a 1669Title Deed to the Waltham Abbey Gunpowder Mills b/w photographs /1-/41049
232232b1669Title Deed to the Waltham Abbey Gunpowder Mills b/w photographs /1-/41049
232232c1669Title Deed to the Waltham Abbey Gunpowder Mills b/w photographs /1-/41049
232232d1669Title Deed to the Waltham Abbey Gunpowder Mills b/w photographs /1-/41049
232232e1669Title Deed to the Waltham Abbey Gunpowder Mills b/w photographs /1-/41049
232232f1669Title Deed to the Waltham Abbey Gunpowder Mills b/w photographs /1-/41049
232232g1669Title Deed to the Waltham Abbey Gunpowder Mills b/w photographs /1-/41049
232232h1669Title Deed to the Waltham Abbey Gunpowder Mills b/w photographs /1-/41049
234234Royal Gunpowder Factory. Workmen's cottages (demolished c1900) b/w photograph44098
235235Jonah & the Whale. Tempera picture uncovered during demolition of cottages. b/w photograph44199
236236NW view of the Old Market House, Waltham Abbey, pulled down Dec 18521040239
237237a 4.10 1789Order by the Comptroller signed by W Congreve sent from the RPF Faversham1252
237237b4.10 1789Order by the Comptroller signed by W Congreve sent from the RPF Faversham1252
238238A pair of Gunpowder Incorporating Mills. Line drawing copied from Fredk Drayson's Treatise. See WASC 16061757
2392391956Monro, E A. Copies of watercolour painting "The Last Mills"11742
240240c1890RGPF WA Photographs donated by Mr H J Moore /10 Factory Fire brigade927200/10
241241Staff photo at retirement of Dr Elwyn Roberts OBE 685
242242Conference Dinner Mystery
243243A Powder Flask. b/w photograph553110
2442441976PERME Waltham Abbey Library and Lecture Theatre A 203. b/w photographs 1224
245245Replica of Congreve Rocket Launcher 2 b/w photographs1132
24624622.4.1842The Explosion at Waltham Abbey. The Pictorial Times, Vol 1 pp 85-86 Photograph of ruins of the Powder Mills at WA, sketched on the spot.572112/1
24724722.4.1842The Explosion at Waltham Abbey. The Pictorial Times, Vol 1 pp 85-86 Funeral in the churchyard of WA. 572112/2
248248Fuller, Thomas. The history of the Worthies of England Photo of page 33461139
249249Humane Society 1796, A new enquiry into the suspension of vital action in cases of drowning and suffocation/Royal Humane Society, Manager's Report 1797. /Description and directions for the use of the apparutus for the recovery of the apparently drowned recommended by the RHS and made (by their appointment) by J H Savigny, surgeons instrument maker 29 King St Covent Garden London
250250c1900Lower Island Waltham Abbey b/w photograph showing Water warden's house886
2512511897Highbridge Street Waltham Abbey. b/w photograph 885
252252c 1900Royal Gunpowder Factory Waltham Abbey b/w photograph View NE from Barge river bridge, Highbridge Street887
2532531814Col Sir William Congreve - Details of the rocket system Plate 1311540
2542541888Wardell W H - Handbook of Gunpowder and Guncotton /8 Glazing Barrel (See WANBD 3)12180/8
2552551888Wardell W H - Handbook of Gunpowder and Guncotton /10 Dusting and finishing reel (See WANBD 3)12180/10
2562561888Wardell W H - Handbook of Gunpowder and Guncotton /4 Incorporating Mill (See WANBD 3)12180/4
2572571888Wardell W H - Handbook of Gunpowder and Guncotton /12 Prismatic powder machine (See WANBD 3)12180/12
258258Fisher Col F T Supt RG & SAF 1909-1917 photograph13054
2592598.6.1861ILN Vol XXXVIII p 537. Re explosion at Royal Gunpowder Factory. /1 Typed transcript by K Bascombe /2 b/w photographs of illustration578114
260260c1895-1905Royal Gunpowder Factory Waltham Abbey b/w photographs 11 photographs donated by Mr H J Moore /7 Powder Boat in snow927200/7
2612611942Home Guard recruiting poster 1942 headed 1794 They Did 1942 You Can
26226222.4.1842The Explosion at Waltham Abbey. ILN, Vol II, pp275-6 Illustration of funeral of unfortunate workmen573113/2
263263Turnham Bros. All were employed in the Royal Gunpowder Factory b/w photograph930
264264Sectional photograph of P18 (1917 Rev 3.1923)(WAMP 900/84) (10 negs a-j)900/84
265265Sectional photograph of WAMP 900/13 in 6 sections (a-f)900/13
26626622.8.1890Explosion at a govt. powder factory. Backed b/w photographs of press cuttings from Waltham Abbey Hist Soc collection re explosion 22.8.1890531
2672671909Brayley Hodgetts, E A - The rise and progress of the British Explosives Industry /10 Powder Mill outside view 1798141/10
2682681909Brayley Hodgetts, E A - The rise and progress of the British Explosives Industry /11 Stone Incorporatng Mill 1798141/11
269269Sectional photograph of WAMP 900/1 in 6 sections (a-f)900/1
270270c 1890Waltham Abbey Highbridge St looking E to Abbey Church b/w photograph1205
271271c 1890Waltham Abbey Highbridge St looking E showing the Ordnance Arms PH b/w photograph1206
272272c1890Waltham Abbey Church and Cemetery b/w photograph1202
273273c1890Waltham Abbey Abbey Church and Gateway b/w photograph1201
274274Lady of the Lea gunpowder barge. Faversham wharf10033
275275Lady of the Lea gunpowder barge. Stern view10033
276276Lady of the Lea gunpowder barge. Aground10033
2772773.1978Royal Gunpowder Factory Mill Bed Stone near Main Gate RARDE Waltham Abbey1210
278278Bridge near A 203 ? Mystery
279279Bridge near A 203 ? Mystery
2812813.1978PERME Waltham Abbey NS Building A 200, Walton House b/w photographs /5 View from SW1232
2822823.1978PERME Waltham Abbey NS Building A 200, Walton House b/w photographs /1Woolwich Infants & Sundial 1232
2832833.1978PERME Waltham Abbey NS Building A 200, Walton House.s b/w photographs /4 View from S 1232
2842843.1978PERME Waltham Abbey NS Building A 200, Walton House.s b/w photographs /2 Woolwich Infants 1232
2852853.1978PERME Waltham Abbey NS Building A 200, Walton House.s b/w photographs /3 View from SE 1232
286286Entrance buildings on Powdermill Lane . 3 different views
2872873.1978PERME Waltham Abbey Royal Gunpowder Factory Explosives hand truck. b/w photograph1215
288288Chapman's Farm, Waltham Abbey b/w photograph1005
2892891915 or 16Royal Gunpowder Factory Quinton Hill Cordite Group b/w photograph including Mrs Robinson. Identified by son Mr Robinson19174
290290Plate from "The Science of Guns". Mahomet's cannon, 1453
291291Plate from "The Science of Guns". A composite gun showing names of parts
292292Plate from "The Science of Guns". Illustrations showing the use of a quadrant testing from Capt Thomas Venn's "Military and Maritime Discipline" of 1672.
293293Lady of the Lea. b/w photographs of plans drawn by Peter Ferguson. Copied from Powderbarge WD. By D G Wood 4 b/w photographs1131
294294Smith F M - Handbook of the manufacture and proof of Gunpowder as carried out at Royal Gunpowder Factory Waltham Abbey - Plate 1 Sketch of the apparatus for refining saltpetre80181/1
295295F M Smith "A Handbook of the manufacture and proof of Gunpowder as carried on at the RGPF" /16 Press80181/16
2992991973Powder Boat, model made by apprentice. b/w photograph1121
301301Lecture by Dr R C Farmer -'Gunpowder Processing. b/w photograph /4 Cylinder charcoal burning10940261/4
302302Lecture by Dr R C Farmer -'Gunpowder Processing. b/w photograph /5 Gunpowder pressing10940261/5
3033031966ERDE. Chief Scientist's Conference and Exhibition. Colour photographs (1-20) of exhibits in Library A20306840121
304304Memorial Tablet to Sir W Congreve b/w photographs /1 Situation /2 Closeup0797
3053051695Camden's Britannia. Newly translated into English. Edmund Gibson. /1 Title page /2 Middlesex map /3 Additions to Sussex Mills at Hastings /4 Additions to Chilworth, Surrey /5 Surrey map08050165/1-5
306306early 1965ERDE SM1 staff Group. b/w photograph08150174
307307Button stamped with the Arms of the Board of Ordnance. /1 b/w photograph 1464
308308Combustible Cartridge Case. Colour print showing Richard Stevens to accompany text for "The Scientist and the Soldier" poster1553
309309 b/w photographs numbered 1-37 with captions for illus in PERME brochure0987
3103101979Col photographs taken by J Curtis for illus in PERME brochure. Orig1556
311311Full set of transparencies as in W ASC 1557 1557
312312Vertical mixer for rubbery type solid propellants1585
313313c 1890Photographs copied from Gen W H Noble's Family photograph Album /1-/2715900439
313313ac 1890The "Spark". Gen W H Noble Violet, Phyllis, Sybil, R Talbot 15900439
313313bc 1890The "Spark" Electric launch15900439
313313cc 1890The "Spark" Electric launch entering lock. Gen W H Noble Maude, Phyllis, Sybil, Arthur Craig, H.L. Kirke.15900439
313313dc 1890Gen W H Noble and Dr W Anderson, Director General of Ordnance Factories. At Thrift Hall15900439
313313ec 1890Market Square looking NW15900439
313313fc 1890The Spotted Cow15900439
313313gc 1890Thrift Hall, Sybil15900439
313313hc 1890Phyllis, Sybil, A Craig, RN, M Lukin, H L Kirke, Violet in rowing boat on waterways of RGPF with one of the powder barges in the background laid out for lunch15900439
313313ic 1890Gen and Mrs Noble, Muriel & Sybil Bernal, Mawde, Phyllis, Sybil, H L Kirke, Arthur Craig at lunch table on barge with powder boat in background.15900439
313313jc 1890Charlie Buxton, Sybil, H Biddulph, M Biddulph, Gen. boat lunch party on waterways of RGPF15900439
313313kc 1890Explosion of No 1 Breaking Down House, August 22nd 1890, result15900439
313313lc 1890RGPF Explosion Aug 22 189015900439
313313mc 1890Boat party on waterways of the RGPF15900439
313313nc 1890Churchyard Lane, WA, looking Wfrom Market Square15900439
313313oc 1890Capt F Sanders 27th, Vere, Violet, CM Kendall 27th, on powder boat15900439
313313pc 1890Vi, Sybil and Muzzy. RGPF plantation in bakground15900439
313313qc 1890"Peter", Sybil, G R Askwith, Phyllis on waterways of the RGPF15900439
313313rc 1890Waltham Abbey Market St. looking S. Red Lion PH15900439
313313sc 1890General W H Noble, dog and rabbits15900439
313313tc 1890Capt F Sanders 27th Regiment15900439
313313uc 1890General R. Hay RA in grounds of Thrift Hall. (Former Supt RGPF 1875-1880)15900439
313313vc 1890Superintendent's old quarters south of Highbridge Street, facing Powdermill Lane with River Lee running underneath15900439
313313wc 1890Reggie, Hilda von Alvensleben, Sybil, Phyllis, in rowboat on River Lee at Superintendent's old quarters.15900439
313313xc 1890RGPF Superintendent's old quarters, Powder Mill Lane (?)15900439
313313yc 1890Outhouses of S.I. old Q on south of with River Lee15900439
313313zc 1890Result of explosion in Incorporating Mill Aug 22 189015900439
313313aac 1890Result of explosion Aug 22 189015900439
314314c 1890Photographs copied from Gen W H Noble's Family photograph Album /1-/2415900439
314314ac 1890Jane15900439
314314bc 1890Caroline, Wilson, Minnie15900439
314314cc 1890Lucy, Rose15900439
314314dc 1890Reverend F B Johnston15900439
314314ec 1890Hill Hall, Epping15900439
314314fc 1890Hill Hall, Epping15900439
314314gc 1890Maude, H N Packard, Phyllis, Frank Lyon15900439
314314hc 1890Hill Hall, Epping15900439
314314ic 1890Jane & Pledger15900439
314314jc 1890Thrift Hall15900439
314314kc 1890Thrift Hall15900439
314314lc 1890Hill Hall, Epping15900439
314314mc 1890Coachman Ball & Family15900439
314314nc 1890Mrs Ball15900439
314314oc 1890Thrift Hall15900439
314314pc 1890Everitt15900439
314314qc 1890Annie Webb & Everitt15900439
314314rc 1890Annie & Everitt15900439
314314sc 1890Hill Hall, Epping15900439
314314tc 1890F Lyon RA and A Craig RN and Sybil15900439
314314uc 1890Interior Hill Hall15900439
314314vc 1890Thrift Hall15900439
314314wc 1890Lettice Stephens and Gen D'Oyly 15900439
314314xc 1890Mr Cleland (of Stormont)15900439
315315View of Group E Mills(L149) from across the Middle Stream
316316a1897Newtons Pool1655443/11
316316bOil locomotive and trucks looking north towards refinery bridge1655443/43
317317Powder boat outside corrugated iron porch1655443/19
318318RDX plant at WARGM Mystery
319319Painting of the stamp mills from Farmer engraving by Peter Jackson1248
320320c1900Diagrammatic images of gunpowder manufacture from service manual1959478
321321Senior staff group
322322AER Remote control process for explosives manufacture. Building M 343 ERDE South site1138-48
323323Sandhurst Hospital WWI1021