Accident Description: "John Johnson, master salt petre refiner, killed by lightning." " I knew perfectly well Mr Johnson, master refiner of salt petre, who was killed by lightning in the presence of my father and myself; the only two persons that were with him in his office. He was reading at his desk close to a window, looking towards the chrystalyzing house; he was struck on the left side of his head; he was wearing his hat at the time; this was shattered. The electricity passed down his side and out of his shoe, bursting it. He did not fall from his stool for some seconds. My father immediately opened a vein in his arm; the blood was solid, not a drop came. At this terrible flash his wife was dreadfully alarmed; she was at home in a small room near the refinery. We were told she exclaimed, "My dear husband" and I am under the impression she died very shortly afterwards."
Deaths: 1
Source: Winters
Source Date: 3.1887
Source Description: pp 142-143 Recollections of Henry Wright See "Our Parish Registers" p 152
PRO Reference:
WAAC Filename: WAAC-1801.pdf
WASC Filename: wasc_0011_00.pdf
W = Winters
WASC = Waltham Abbey Special Collection
PRO = Public Record Office (now TNA The National Archives)
HMI = His Majesty's Inspectorate
PR = Press Report