Accident Description: Edward Heady, Wardman at the Refinery House, aged 85, drowned. An appeal of his widow for help. Mary Heady, widow, received from the Board on Dec 7th, 10 weeks and 6 days pay, 5s per week of 7 days, £2 14s 3 1/2d (?)
Deaths: 1
Source: Winters
Source Date: 3.1887
Source Description: p 70
PRO Reference:
WAAC Filename: WAAC-1801.pdf
WASC Filename: wasc_0011_00.pdf
W = Winters
WASC = Waltham Abbey Special Collection
PRO = Public Record Office (now TNA The National Archives)
HMI = His Majesty's Inspectorate
PR = Press Report