Accident Description: "This morning , at 1/4 past 8 o'clock, the Lower 15 Head Mill blew up. The charge had been on about 5 minutes. Although only a green charge, it unroofed and blew out the sides of the mill and split the shaft in two. No one hurt" Report by R Coleman - "No 15 Lower Head Mill (1/2 past 8 this morning) blew up, and this a green chargesplit the shaft in two and unroofed the mill and blew out the sides. [It was then thought that some of the millmen were guilty of putting on double charges]"
Deaths: 0
Source: Winters
Source Date: 3.1887
Source Description: p 35 & p 39
PRO Reference:
WAAC Filename: WAAC-1700.pdf
WASC Filename: wasc_0011_00.pdf
W = Winters
WASC = Waltham Abbey Special Collection
PRO = Public Record Office (now TNA The National Archives)
HMI = His Majesty's Inspectorate
PR = Press Report