Accident Description: Explosion in No 1 Breaking down house prior to pressing - 2 men killed. William Maynard, William Napthan (Napthew). Injured, Albert Wilson. Reported that Napthan had committed suicide.
Deaths: 2
Source: WASC
Source Date: 22.8.1890
Source Description: Manuscript note from Dr K Bascombe illustrating and giving details of a bronze or brass cross commemorating the GP Explosion at WA .
PRO Reference:
WAAC Filename: WAAC-1890.pdf
WASC Filename: wasc_1591_00.pdf
W = Winters
WASC = Waltham Abbey Special Collection
PRO = Public Record Office (now TNA The National Archives)
HMI = His Majesty's Inspectorate
PR = Press Report