Accident Description: Cause: Stoker lighting fire dropped hot coal which ignited wooden trough. In carrying trough to river, Knowler and his nephew slipped on a boat loaded with 13 barrels of powder. These exploded, setting off 4 or 5 more barrels on the quay. Four men seriously injured. Master Worker Mr Knowler "much injured", his nephew burnt so severely he "kept his bed for a year", a bricklayer named Adams assisting at the fire engine had his leg shattered and later amputated. A labourer, Williams was much burned.
Deaths: 0
Source: PRO
Source Date:
Source Description:
PRO Reference: 128/31
WAAC Filename: WAAC-1843.pdf
W = Winters
WASC = Waltham Abbey Special Collection
PRO = Public Record Office (now TNA The National Archives)
HMI = His Majesty's Inspectorate
PR = Press Report